13 Questions With Dr. Gangrene
Dr. Gangrene wants you to meet to people of The Horror Hootenanny so he has organized a set of questions.
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Today's victim is!
JEFF CARLSON from MANI-YACK MONSTERS (one of our great prize sponsors!)
Name of your company
Mani-Yack Monster Designs
Favorite movie monster?
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Best horror movie you've seen recently?
Get Out
Remakes: Yes or No?
Remakes - Yes
Munsters or Addams Family?
Started out as a die-hard Munsters fan but now really enjoy the Addams.
One of your proudest creations?
My Dracula medallion is probably my proudest creative moment.
What do you like to do when not making cool ManiYack stuff?
I also enjoy making jewelry ... it's my day job when I'm not making monster stuff.
Favorite thing at art shows?
Meeting and talking with fellow weirdo artists/tribes-people at shows is always fantastic.
What "creatures" most inspired you most?
Low rent, B-movie monsters have always provided the most energy to me. The main classic creeps (Universal) already get plenty of love IMO.
Misfits, Ramones, or Cramps?
Pet peeves?
People who chew loudly
Favorite Halloween memory?
As a very young kid, I had someone scare the crap out of me wearing a vintage Don Post Phantom mask ... I'll never forget it.
What would you like to have written on your tombstone when all is said and done?
"He missed his last deadline."
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